The Wife’s Revenge

Yesterday, I wrote a delightful piece about how wonderful it is for my wife to go away. Of course, I didn’t say it that way. I’m a much more gentle and loving person than that. Plus, that would be a terrible blog post. Can you imagine reading a post called “I Hate My Wife and […]

How To Save Your Relationship the Chinese Way

We men are a very skittish group. Sure, we like to act all tough. We like to pretend we’re a combination of John Wayne and Chuck Norris, but inside we have the valor of a three year old girl, and, often times, even less bravery than that. Due to this, one of the biggest stereotypes […]

“Women Are Irrational,” Says Science

Well, it’s official. Science has proven it, and there is no disputing the facts here, ladies and gentlemen. Women are completely and utterly irrational. Science Daily, a publication I assume to be very reputable because it has the word “Science” in the title, not to mention they know enough to publish something “Daily,” has published […]

List of the Week: Inappropriate Times to Yawn

-While on trial -During a no-yawning contest -In water -While boxing -When your spouse says you aren’t taking their needs seriously -In a swarm of locusts -While playing dead -While swallowing -During a marriage proposal -During the wedding after the proposal -While your wife is in labor -While directing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir -In the […]