What To Do With Those Leftover Easter Eggs

Once again, the Easter Bunny has come and laid his weird mammal eggs and gone on his way. You have done your part in celebrating Easter, eating the required amount of hollow chocolate rabbits and helping your child dye eggs fun and vibrant colors. The only problem is that you now find yourself with two […]

Turkey, Dressing and a Plague

  There is no better way to follow up a lovely holiday like Thanksgiving than by becoming sick. Fortunately for me, my mother did more than just cook a turkey: she brought home a plague so that everyone could have the joy of hugging a toilet while wondering how much liquid can come out of […]

Thanks For Everything, Grandmother

When you first begin dating someone, there are many awkward situations you will be thrust into. For me, the peak of awkward situations with the woman that would one day become my wife arrived in the spring of 2007. After only a handful of dates, I was reluctantly dragged to a wedding of two people […]

Your Ultimate Guide To Halloween

Ladies and gentlemen: the clock is ticking. You can feel the energy in the air. People are rushing hither and thither, preparing. In mere days, Halloween will have arrived. The word “Halloween” was first used in the 16th century. It had something to do with demons and the underworld and souls of the dead and […]

Happy Canada Day!

As an American, this blog can become very USA-centric. That is not fair. There are literally dozens of other countries around the world, many of them carrying an actual importance with them. The USA is not the only country in the entire universe. For instance, there is Canada. I have been to Canada not once, […]

Celebrate Memorial Day the Right Way (Hey! That Rhymes!)

Tomorrow is Memorial Day, a day to honor all of those who, since the Civil War, have been killed in battle. In typical American fashion, it has also become a day revolving around food, causing many to shove grilled meats down their gullet. With so much of a focus on eating, it is easy to […]