I Guess My Blog is Lovely?

I don’t win a lot of things. I once beat my phone at a game of Monopoly, but I’m still pretty convinced that was a fluke.

Because of this, my life has been fairly awardless. (Yes, I know awardless isn’t a word. Thanks for noticing, Captain Dictionary.) I do not frequently win or receive nominations for awards. This makes me, essentially, the anti-Tom Hanks.

So imagine my surprise when I found that someone had nominated me for the “One Lovely Blog Award.”

Of course, this isn’t a real award. I do not get a trophy or a large ring filled with diamonds. I will not meet the president and I do not even get a gift certificate. I do appreciate the nomination, though I would like someone to work on those things for me.

First, I want to thank my dear friend over at Hobbling Around for the nomination. It is nice of her to pretend that the things I have written here are not a bunch of incoherent ramblings that I post, expecting people to decipher.

As a recipient of this nomination, I am expected to do a number of things. The first is to come up with seven interesting facts about myself. I don’t understand why these things always want facts about myself. I do not find myself all that interesting. In fact, I assume that no one really finds me all that interesting.

This whole fact fiasco is no easy feat because, as I have already established, I do not have interesting things to say about myself. I thought about making a bunch of facts up, saying I was the great great great-nephew of Abraham Lincoln or that I have spent $425 in the last month on pedicures.

Instead, I went with real facts. They are incredibly boring facts, but it’s what you get, so there.


  1. Muggsy Bogues (yes, the Muggsy Bogues) spoke to me on Twitter. It was two words. Short and sweet, just like Muggsy.
  2. Currently, my drains are clogged. All of them. I hope there isn’t some emergency that requires me to dump a great deal of water.
  3. I have never downloaded a movie illegally. Actually, I’ve never downloaded a movie. I have watched many movies that contain people doing many illegal things, though.
  4. While I was typing the last fact, I thought of the irony that is a person downloading a “Pirates of theCaribbean” movie. It really seems like you shouldn’t be allowed to watch a movie about pirates unless you steal it.
  5. The other day I was a gas station and saw they had already put out the Reese’s Easter Eggs. I would complain about it is far too early for Easter products to be out, but the Reese’s Easter Eggs are, by far, the best candy ever created. I love them so much, I almost forgot to ask for gas while I was at the cash register.
  6. My dog is currently looking at me with great urgency. I hope that she never tries to pull a Lassie and lead me to a boy who is in great danger because when she looks at me with great urgency, I just assume she wants food.
  7. In the last six months, I have had multiple conversations about soup. Is it a full meal or is it not? The answer is it is not, and no, things do not change if it is a chowder. If you can slurp a dish, it does not count as a full meal.

Now that that is out of the way, I would like to pass this along to some other blogs.



Susie Lindau’s Wild Ride

Island Monkeys

The Wordslinger

Meanderings of a Restless Mind



Since I am supposed to pass it along to ten, the next four who comment on this will have it passed along to them. This may seem like I’m being lazy (I am), but it’s also just a fun way to decide (No it isn’t. I am just lazy).

Thanks for the nomination.

32 thoughts on “I Guess My Blog is Lovely?

  1. Great post as always! I do so enjoy your blog and all the hilarious, yet witty and very clever posts. Congrats on the nomination, even if it isnt real…its real to you.


  2. I agree with you on #5. I’m always amazed how early it comes out, and think it will be stale…then I LAUGH because Reese’s will never go stale with shoppers like you and I. That’s absurd. Even in the event they were old, we’d still delight in them!

    You have a good point on #4. We’ve purchased all those movies, and it seems ridiculous. For some reason, I don’t think that argument would hold in the court of law.

    You forgot to mention you’re a fan of that chick, Zooey something! And that you’re a hipster (link to that post)

    Ohhh, and thanks for the nomination badlandsbucco. I’ve got two others I kind of forgot about…now I have to search to find or ask forgivness.

    Lake Forest, CA


  3. WoW!! Nathan you really rock! Thank you so much for this award and congratulations to you! I was at Winter X games and didn’t get back until late last night. I just now started catching up.

    I agree about the Reece’s Peanut butter “eggs!” Yum! I make something like them at Christmas…

    I am off to check out some of the others on your list!


  4. Well, you now win the award for the newest blog I’m latching onto. Onto which I’m latching? I love your 7 facts – much more fun than dredging up semi-interesting things from decades ago. Keep it up – I’ll be back for more!


  5. Hi Nathan, phew, am I glad I didn’t get around to checking out this post (or my comments) sooner. As always, I would have been compelled to comment and then I might have been awarded this trophy twice! Not sure how I would have dealt with that. On the bright side of things, you just gave me an idea what to do with my award now… Muahahahaha!
    Oh, before I forget, thank you for including me without being a quick commenter. It is appreciated. I think.


  6. Pingback: My “One Lovely Blog Award” Acceptance Speech « HoaiPhai

  7. Thanks for the nomination! I was a little slow on the response because I wanted to make sure that I was at least close to posting my own acceptance speech first. Well, mine’s up and I again thank you for the nomination.


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